parallax background

for Photography.

  • Justin White
    Chad is as passionate about photography as anyone I've ever met. His love for creating art through the lens of his camera is only matched by his love of the outdoors. No matter the conditions - hot, cold, day, night, or anywhere in between - Chad will go to great lengths to capture the perfect shot. Chad's photography personifies the very high expectations he has for himself. Every picture or video he shares with the world is what he considers to be his finest work. Chad's ability to tell a story through an image is truly something to be treasured and so are the works you see right here.
    Justin White
    Brand Journalist
  • Julie Rodgers, Director of Marketing
    Chad is such a professional with an unbelievable eye for everything around him. I really enjoyed working with him on a documentary and knew he would capture exactly what we needed to tell the story. He is a hard worker and was always trying to find the next best angle or view. He does great work and is a pleasure to work with.
    Julie Rodgers, Director of Marketing
    Grand Hotel
  • Tina Brun, Editor
    It has been my continued privilege to work with Chad’s outstanding footage over the years. Whatever the project, Chad always delivers. Not only is he a master technically, but his composition and style are second to none. As an editor, it is simply a joy to work with his footage.
    Tina Brun, Editor
    Detroit Public Television
  • Matt Stinson, Producer
    Chad is supreme talent who possesses the rare ability to evoke emotion through the images he captures, merging superior technical knowledge with an artistic eye. In short, he is a true cinematographer. Ever reliable and ambitious to be the best, Chad has been an essential partner in every project we have collaborated on. He brings an attitude of enthusiasm and fearlessness to every shoot, doing whatever it takes get "the" shot. He is simply invaluable.
    Matt Stinson, Producer
    PBS / Fox Sports